Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Today is going to be awesome. I'm writing this just before bedtime on Sunday night and I'm ready to kick major ass this week! This is going to be awesome. This week is all about my workout and making myself stronger.

I am getting my body fat measured Thursday morning and it better be down from last time. This week, the movie takes a slight step back to my training. And I'm going to make this intense.

Here's what needs to happen today to make this day a "10":

- FOCUS POINT: I must leave to go work out no later than 8:10 a.m. I must go to the gym and perform workout #2 and spend the rest of the time doing cardio until 9:35 a.m.

- At lunch, I must eat nothing but what I bring in my lunch box and salads. The rest of the day, I should follow the Slow-carb diet (allowing soy, my Medifast snacks and one Splenda per coffee cup) and  exclude all nuts or peanut butter.

- I must drink one gallon of water.

Let's make this day amazing!


A 10! I did everything, and even more workout. Tomorrow is a very intense day of work after which I will take over a week off to go on a little vacation. Be back to this Monday, May 11th, after resting my internal clocks and getting my whole organization done during my vacation.

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015

Today is going to be fantastic again. My life is amazing and I'm grateful for it.

Here are my goals for the day:

- FOCUS POINT: Drink 1 gallon of water and follow the Slow carb diet at 100%. No nuts or peanut butter.

- Work on "Trigger" for at least one hour. Write a minimum of 3 lines of dialogue for the audition scene and finish Shot_26-43 and Shot_26-44 for the final gunfight.

- Do my Workout #2.

- No internet is allowed on my desktop until 1 a.m. and I must be in bed no later than 3 a.m.

Let's make this day incredible!

Scorecard: 7.5

I did my focus point and followed my internet goals, but I did not do my workout. I wrote the entire dialogue for the audition (which took 1 hr 15 min) but not any of the VFX shots.

Watched: "Citizen Kane" - Orson Welles (1941)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

Today is going to be a little more relaxed, but still fantastic. My life is extraordinary and I'm so grateful for it.

I'm going back to work at the Observation Bar for the next 5 days. I've already worked this morning on my feature film with my storyboard artist and I'll be waiting for his early work tonight.

My goals are few today, now that I've cleaned up the house and done my errands:

- FOCUS POINT: Eat 100% according to the slow-carb diet. I am allowed coffee with one Splenda per cup and diet sodas. No nuts or peanut butter. Also, I must drink 1 gallon of water.

- I must finish watching "The Return Of The King".

- I must write the first three lines of dialogues from Scene 12 to audition my actors.

- I must be in bed no later than 3:00 a.m.

If I do all this, this will guarantee me a "10" for the day. To earn a passing grade of 7, I must at least complete my focus point.

Let's make this day amazing!



I barely finished the focus point and I had to drink 1 liter right at wake to make sure I had drunk enough water. I finished the movie and went to bed around 2:45 a.m. The bar was just insanely busy and I didn't have time to write.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015

Today is going to be the greatest day ever! My life is incredible. I can't wait to work out and make my muscles grow. I can't wait to have nice balanced meals, a nice session on my feature film, some good time with my girlfriend and to make this day really awesome, watch "The Return Of The King".

Here are my goals for today:

- FOCUS POINT: I must leave to workout no later than 10:15 a.m. I must perform Workout #1 (which used to be my Tuesday workout) in addition to 90 minutes of cardio. I must also drink at least one gallon of water throughout the day.

- Eat one 100% slow-carb meal between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Coffee with one Splenda in each cup is allowed.

- Work at least 2 hours on my feature film "Trigger". I must export Scenes 5 and 6 in film format, prepare a shot list for Chris and make Shot_26-41VFX (for the final gunfight).

- To make this day really awesome, I could watch "The Return Of The King".

Doing all this guarantees me a 10 for the day and upgrades yesterday's and Monday's scores to 10 as well. Let's make this day incredible and kick ass!


I did my workout and my cardio, raising yesterday to a 10 in the process. This resulted in a 2 h 30 min session at the gym!

In addition, I also worked 2 h 20 min on my feature film. Not only did I accomplish all my work goals, I actually finished an additional visual effects shot.

Finally, although I ate cake at the end of the day, my slow-carb goals were accomplished today.

Considering the extra work done, this day would be an "11" if I didn't eat cake. But I did (even though I was allowed, I shouldn't have). So this day is a "10".

My journal and desktop in action today.

Watched: "Game Of Thrones" - Season 5, Episode 2

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015

This is going to be a great day.

I've already cleaned up the house and watched movie #7 of my all-time favorites (James Cameron's "Titanic").

I'm inspired, once and refreshed and I'm about to knick ass in productivity. Here are today's goals:

-  Put on my workout clothes and work a minimum of 2 hours on my feature film "Trigger". I must have Scene 01-04 ready to screen in their current form with minor color correction and film grain applied. I must also complete Shot_26-40VFX (from the final gunfight).

- FOCUS POINT: Eat a 100% slow carb meal and nothing else between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

- Perform "Workout #1" and do at least 15 minutes of cardio to make up for yesterday's shortened cardio workout.


Although I did not workout, I worked an extra hour and a half on my feature film and did everything (and more such as prepare work for the storyboard artist).

With every other goals of the day done, including the focus point, I'll give this day an 8. But if I perform yesterday's workout today in addition to today's goals, I'll raise the score to a 10.

Watched: "Titanic" - James Cameron (1997)
                "Breaking Bad" - Season 2, Episodes 1 &2

Update: I made up for the lost workout. This day's score is raised to a 10.

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015

Today is going to be an awesome day. My life is extraordinary and it keeps getting better and better. Everyday, I have decided to focus my willpower on one thing regarding my diet, exercise, organization or movie. This one thing I focus on MUST be the thing I do to get a passing grade on my day.

Today, to hit a 10/10, I would have to do the following:

- Wake up at 7:30 a.m. and go work out for 75 minutes no later than 8:15 a.m.
- FOCUS POINT: Eat a 100% slow-carb meal for lunch at work.
- Work 30 minutes on my movie.
- Tidy up the house and prepare my clothes for the next day.

Let's make this day count and make it extraordinary!


This was a fantastic day! Although I worked out a little less (60 min instead of 75 min), I worked almost double the time on my feature film.

With everything else accomplished, this day was a "10".

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Every single day, I will post my health and professional goals on this blog, giving each day a score. The minimum desired score for each day is a 5/10. That's merely a passing grade. To increase overall performance and develop good habits though, I shall aim for at least a 7/10, meaning I must accomplish at least 70% of my objectives.

My goals for today are the following:

- Work out for 50 minutes.
- Work 2 hours on my feature film "Trigger".
- Post my outcomes and score on this blog.


I worked 1 hour and 20 minutes on my feature film and worked out 1 hour.
On a scale of 1-10, that's an 8.

Watched: "Singin' In The Rain" - Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen (1952)